Schools 48 Hour Film Challenge Information and Rules
This challenge is not only about making a film, the main part of the challenge is also to tell us a story, that includes a few added extras. Each team will be given 3 key elements that must appear in the film and story line. These will be randomly selected.
At the launch event and when the clock starts ticking, each team will be given:
- A characteristic/character
- A prop
- A line of dialogue that must be said or appears in the film
These will be elements that will be part of the judging process.
The Rules
Administration and Teams
- To be eligible for the final competition, all team members must sign the relevant release forms and team fee. These are available from the 48 Hour website.
- There is a registration cost of £10 per team, payable via bank transfer, to 48 Hour Media Ltd. This is optional and should not be a barrier for entry, please contact us if this is something we can help you with. All funds go directly to our chosen local charity.
- All teams must have a responsible adult working with them for the duration of the challenge, this is a Team Leader. The Challenge Team will need an email address for this person.
- The team agrees to follow all rules and accept all decisions made by Schools 48 Hour Challenge Team and the judges. The Schools 48 Hour Challenge Leaders can disqualify teams who do not follow the rules of the competition. All judges’ decisions are final.
- Teams must register by
6pm, Saturday 10th May 2025. Each team must have a team name and a designated (adult) Team Leader, who will act as the main point of contact for the weekend.
- All team members names must submit a consent form with their role and age.
- Mixed Key Stage group teams will need to enter in the Key Stage of the majority of their team.
- Actors can be adults; however, they will need to be listed on the paperwork.
- All workshops are free of charge and the School Co-ordinator is responsible for ensuring the team members attending the workshops are chaperoned, as per a school trip.
The Challenge Day and Film
- All the creative/technical work must take part within the 48 hour time period. Prior to receiving the brief, you may only organise cast and crew (the team), arrange for and gather equipment, and scout for locations. Remember that there are laws regarding filming in public locations, so make sure you have proper permission to film in locations you find. 48 Hour Media Ltd will not be responsible for any infringement of local laws.
- The film submitted for judging must be made from scratch with no pre-recorded material included.
- All films must be the original work of the students in the team during the 48 hours.
- The film must contain all the elements (character, prop and line of dialogue) allocated in the challenge draw. You cannot change your elements after they have been allocated.
- The film cannot contain copyright footage, music or images, surnames of team members cannot be included, all actors or persons shown on screen must have granted permission for their appearance.
- The films produced must be fit for family viewing. No swearing or profanities, offensive language or views or nudity. We reserve the right to disqualify your entry if it’s considered to contain material not suitable for a family audience.
- Animation and special effects are permitted but must have been created within the 48 hours.
- Animals can appear in the films, but in no way can be harmed in the making of any film.
- A responsible adult, Team Leader, must be the named contact for the period of the challenge and will be responsible for the team’s health and safety.
- All production costs must be paid for by the team. The team must provide or hire their own equipment.
- The responsible adult must take full responsibility for the safety in all its forms of the team members. 48 Hour Media Ltd or any of our sponsors cannot be held accountable for any loss, damage, injury or liability, cost or expense incurred whilst making the film.
Deadlines and Rights and Responsibilities
- Any music used should be copyright and royalty free and a credit must be added at the end of the film. A list of free to use music sites will be made available on the student 48 Hour webpage.
- Films must be submitted by the deadline to be included in the judging panel.
- The Film must be no longer than 4 mins. Titles and credits are to be included in the maximum time limit. Please note that there is no minimum time limit, but all the elements must appear in the film.
- Films must be submitted as MP4 or .MOV formats and uploaded to the allocated area.
- Paperwork must be submitted by the film deadline. By submitting an entry, you grant 48 Hour Media Ltd the rights to share and publish your film online and in public spaces, a complete consent form for every team member is required.
- To submit an entry, you must provide 48 Hour Media Ltd with personal data, such as your name, age and school. All personal data will be securely held for 12 months. For more information or to exercise your Data Protection rights you can email
Judging and Results
- Only films that have the correct paperwork can be put forward to the judging panel of industry experts.
- All films submitted as part of the Schools 48 Hour Film Challenge may be hosted online for 12 months and used by 48 Hour Media Ltd without prior consent.
- Films must not be uploaded online or be included in any public screenings before the 48 Hour Film Event screening.
- The judges' decisions will be final and binding.
- All completed films will be eligible for entry into the Into Film monthly film competition.
Rules on how to use the elements in the film
- The character – the character must feature in the film and not just be mentioned.
- The prop – this must feature and be seen and used.
- The line of dialogue – it must be said, sung or be written. It may be in a foreign language; however, if it is not clear that this is the required line, it should be translated.
The Team Leader
Every team must have a Team Leader. This an incredibly important person in any team. They must be an adult and agree to supervise the team throughout the challenge. The Team Leader is the glue that holds the whole challenge together, as they will be in charge of all the communications between our team and yours. Please read the Team Leader guide and ensure that everyone is available and happy to take part.
On the Day
All teams will be contacted via their Team Leader on Friday, 16th May at 4:30pm. This is when we will randomly allocate the three elements that teams will need to work with in their film. Films must be uploaded to our server by 4:30pm on Sunday 18th May for judging. Support for this will be available. Films submitted after this time cannot go forward for judging. Awards will be announced during the Film Celebration Event; details to follow. Awards are given in Key Stage groups for the following categories for your regions:
1.Best Actor
2.Best creative use of all elements
3.Overall best film
What can you do before the day?
Agree who will be in the team and who will have which role. Some team members may have more than one job and that is absolutely fine. Ensure that everyone on the team is committed to their role and knows what their job is!
Secure the filming equipment, this could be a smart phone, tablet, camcorder or digital SLR.
Think about locations and make sure that you have permission to use them and that they are safe to use.
Plan the 48 hours
Our suggested 48 schedule:
Friday evening – writing – check in with mentor
Saturday – filming and editing any available footage
Sunday – editing
If there are any Challenge related questions, please direct them to who will be on hand to assist through the weekend.
■ Workshop attendance form
■ Pay registration and fee for the film entry
■ Consent form for each the team member
■ Ensure we have the contact details for the day
■ Film submission form